Sophie Pott (University of Sheffield)
6 oct. 2023
Researchers at the University of Sheffield have been making progress on several projects aimed at providing insight to BUDDIE-PACK partners on consumer engagement with reuse systems as part of Work Package 2:
Ethnographic observations of reuse in practice have been conducted in a range of settings, including major supermarkets, coffee shops and takeaways and 5 consumers have been recruited to take part in in-depth research.
We are working with partners at Vytal, Searious Business and IPC to develop a cross-national study of consumer engagement with reuse for lunch on the go. We plan to explore how cultural and legislative differences may act as a barrier/enabler to reuse in France, Germany and the UK.
We’ve started recruiting participants to take part in an interdisciplinary study exploring user acceptance of packaging for raw meat in the food service industry. We are interested in (i) barriers and enablers from a psychological perspective, (ii) social practices connected with packaging use, and (iii) profitability drivers.
We’ve finished recruiting participants for a study examining the effect of providing information about cleaning on beliefs about contamination. Data analysis is now underway.
We’ve reviewed existing evidence and trials of reuse/refill systems for laundry detergent. Findings suggest that cost and convenience may be critical considerations for promoting consumer acceptance, but more consistent outcome reporting is needed to establish consumer engagement with existing schemes.
We’ve also started a review examining the effect of penalties and incentives on consumer engagement with reuse systems.