Lia Huybrechts
24 mai 2023
State of play of WP4

WP4 of the Buddie Pack project aims to develop new financially viable business models for reusable packaging across various user-case scenarios. The team will conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis, evaluating profitability for all the stakeholders involved by looking at the full life cycle of the packaging, from materials and design, through user impact and end-of-life solutions.
Lia Huybrechts from Searious Business explains how the work package is progressing so far:
We are in the very early stages of the work package, having only kicked off at the beginning of May. Over the next two years, we will be conducting and compiling the research into four comprehensive reports in order to determine the financial business plans. In WP4, the input of many other work packages come together: packaging design, material choice, insights on consumer behaviour, and life-cycle analysis. These will build the base for the development of practical and cost-effective business plans. After large-scale demonstrations in a later stage, we will be able to produce further recommendations on how and where to replicate the business models and what kind of policy could be used to drive a wide-scale switch.
Work has already begun on the first three of the deliverables. The first concerns a cost-benefit analysis of the four selected use cases (refillable homecare products, catering packaging, takeaway containers, and vacuum meat skin packaging). We have been busy identifying partners and mapping out stakeholders, ready for the interview stage. It has been vital to start with a clear overview of the status quo for packaging to determine current cost structures and a description of the existing value chain. The following steps will develop specific business models for each case and appraise different methods of creating value in the packaging to maximize return rates.
Searious Business is so pleased to be working on this timely project to provide cost-effective solutions for reusable packaging. Recent legislative proposals such as the PPWR encourage increased reusable packaging use. This has led to many questions from the industry about the financial cost of scaling a reuse system to meet these ambitious targets. We hope that through Buddie Pack, we can answer some of those questions. Proving definitively that under the correct conditions, reuse is not just viable. It can be highly profitable for people and planet.